Ladies of Horror Flash Project – #Horror #author Nina D’Arcangela @Darc_Nina #LoH #fiction

The Ladies of Horror
Picture-Prompt Writing Challenge!

RGB No More
by Nina D’Arcangela

When the meteor hit, panic ensued. Coastal regions were swallowed by the seas, volcanoes erupted, the deserts cracked. The constant grainy mist that filled the air made breathing difficult for those unlucky enough to survive. Life wasn’t life anymore, it had become something else, something different. Once the pyroclastic dust settled and the oceans learned their new tides, civilization began anew. The world was no longer a blue marble with green pastures and white clouds; our new spectrum consisted of dingier, more sedate hues. The air took on an amber haze, the sky never as bright as it once was again. All water was now a sickly green, and crops, the few that remained, ripened to a less than appealing umber. People learned to live in trees with dense foliage. They built cities of wood that spanned the rain forests that overtook the planet with a fierce vengeance. Horses, cattle, pigs; most livestock faded from memory, seen now only in books. But humanity has a way.

Soon, we began to co-exist with and utilize what nature allowed. We befriended spiders that spun webs of safety below where we slept in exchange for small offerings – mostly females that couldn’t bear children, or men too weak to carry. We employed ants the size of creatures once known as bulls to till the meager fields and carry the food that still grew. Perhaps our greatest achievement, taming the flies that once annoyed. We saddled them, rode them to and fro. And for those fortunate enough to bond with a dragon, the ride that much sweeter as their carnivorous nature allowed for a small portion of protein when one of their legion fell. The dragons, you see, were kind and giving, as long as man did not try to take.



More from Nina D’Arcangela:


A dank basement, shadow filled hallways, the deep echo of a metal latch being thrown while faint screams are heard… These are the things you might experience in a place where the unspeakable happens, where conscientious action and moral turpitude turn a blind eye in the interest of advancing one’s own personal pursuits in the most deranged and unjustifiable manner. The type of place where power corrupts, and depravity runs rampant among those imbued with it. A place where the unfortunate are abandoned to the devices of those who convince themselves their actions are in the best interest of science.

Mental Ward: Experiments is a collection of ten short stories that demonstrate the worst of humanity’s ambition in the interest of ‘civilized’ advancement. Step into a world where sanity is left behind, and horror is what the doctor ordered!

Available on Amazon!


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1 Response to Ladies of Horror Flash Project – #Horror #author Nina D’Arcangela @Darc_Nina #LoH #fiction

  1. Loved the title for starters, then the rest is a terrifying cautionary tale – great work.

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