Ladies of Horror Flash Project – #Horror #author Leah McNaughton Lederman @leahlederman @Sotet_Angyal #LoH #fiction #WiHM10

The Ladies of Horror
Picture-Prompt Writing Challenge!

The Bone Bringer
by Leah McNaughton Lederman

He was called the Bone Bringer, by some, others had heard of the Rock Crusher. Still others knew him only as the nervous way they felt when a forest breeze fell on their neck, though the woods were still.
All those people were gone, now.
He was No One incarnate, mere emptiness. Nothing.
And he was lonely.
The traveling never ceased. The movement, at once chaotic and smooth, was endless. He lumbered across the vast environs of earth, searching.
The things he touched, when he thought they might be worthy, they crumbled to nothing, descended from life into decay.
There was nothing left. He was lonely and he was hungry.
The crow was clever, he knew. Untrustworthy, to be certain, but keen enough to save its own feathered neck at any cost, even if that cost was the last family.
They thought they’d be safe there, holed up at the end of the world. But now nothing stood between them and Nothing.
He’d start with the crow.
Fiction © Copyright Leah McNaughton Lederman
Image courtesy of


More about Leah McNaughton Lederman:

Leah Lederman has been working as an editor of indie horror comics and short stories since 2011. This year she’s taking the reins and releasing Café Macabre: A Collection of Horror Stories and Art by Women. Be sure to follow her on Facebook ( and Twitter (@leahlederman) to learn more about this terrifying and awesome anthology!

Please visit Leah on Facebook for more info.





Be sure to check out the other fantastic events and peeps participating in
Women in Horror Month 10


About Nina D'Arcangela

Nina D’Arcangela is a quirky horror writer who likes to spin soul rending snippets of despair. She reads anything from splatter matter to dark matter. She's an UrbEx adventurer who suffers from unquenchable wanderlust. She loves to photograph abandoned places, bits of decay and old grave yards. Nina is a co-owner of Sirens Call Publications, a co-founder of the horror writer's group 'Pen of the Damned', founder and administrator of the Ladies of Horror Picture-prompt Monthly Writing Challenge, and if that isn't enough, put a check mark in the box next to owner and resident nut-job of Dark Angel Photography.
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3 Responses to Ladies of Horror Flash Project – #Horror #author Leah McNaughton Lederman @leahlederman @Sotet_Angyal #LoH #fiction #WiHM10

  1. Charles Gramlich says:

    Good one!

  2. I had the same photo and I also had “nothing” as an element of my story. Weird synchronicity—and an awesome story!

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